Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How much should you borrow?

College acceptance letters are being mailed, and many seniors are receiving letters from the office of financial aid from these institutions. These letters are telling parents how much tuition and other fees are going to cost per year, and what type of financial aid their child may be eligible for. Often, loans are an integral part of the financial aid package. Most people borrow money to attend college, but with changes in the economy, borrowing too much can be a costly decision.

In Jeff Smith's website, yourpathahead.com, you can estimate how much money you should borrow based on your major. This information is based on starting salary and average median salary. For example, for students majoring in education, no more than $23,500 should be borrowed. "Exceeding these guidelines will result in lower standards of living," Smith states in his book, Your Path Ahead. This is not engraved in stone, however, Smith takes a look at cost of living vs. salary, showing what is a realistic amount of money to borrow without going into too much debt.

It's a good idea to compare financial aid packages from each institution. Make sure to complete the FAFSA as early as possible in January, 2014, and attend Landrum High School's Financial Aid Night on January 27th.

Monday, December 16, 2013

You may have more Job Experience than you think

Recently I was in classes teaching students how to write a resume and complete a job application. The common thread I found amongst all of the students was that they didn't see the volunteer work or community service that they had performed as actual job experience. Babysitting, taking care of lawns, volunteering within the church, these were just a few of the valuable experiences students shared with me that they almost left off of their resume.

A common misconception is that an experience isn't actual job experience if a paycheck isn't involved. Wrong! If you volunteer, you perform job duties, you have a supervisor, and you gain actual work experience. You have a reference who can attest to your work ethic.These are the type of experiences to tout on a resume, not omit.

Shelving items at Hospice Thrift Barn, stuffing envelopes at your church, or building houses on a mission trip are work experiences. Even if you didn't get a paycheck and you may have volunteered for a limited amount of time, these are important skills that you learned that need to be highlighted on your resume. Let those potential employers know how dynamic you are!

If you need assistance with writing a resume, make an appointment to see your school counselor. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Mark Your Calendars!

On February 6th at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Landrum High School is hosting an event related to jobs and skills needed for the future, and why furthering education at a community college is beneficial. Parents and Students will learn more about Spartanburg Community College degree programs, the shift in the job market, jobs that are in demand, and the skills that are needed to obtain a job. We are aware that many of today’s “hot jobs” require training at a technical or community college, and we want our community to understand the benefits of post-secondary education at institutions like these.

Our program will include a few guest speakers who will address these topics. These guest speakers include: Mr. David Cordeau, CEO of Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Scott Simpkins, Director of Swofford Career Center, and Mr. Luke Black, Director of Recruiting at Spartanburg Community College.  After their presentations, parents/students will have the opportunity to visit our gym to meet with faculty from Swofford Career Center, local business owners, and representatives from Spartanburg Community College.

These representatives will be available to answer any questions and distribute pertinent information. This interaction will assist our students/parents in learning more about career opportunities at Swofford Career Center, SCC, and in the local community.

In addition to learning about these exciting career opportunities, students/parents will also learn about the registration process at Landrum High School.

So mark this date/time down on your calendar! We hope to see you there! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Let's Talk $"

Ann Kilgore and Teresa Johnson, from Wells Fargo Bank, spoke to seniors about future financial planning. Their presentation, "Let's Talk $," focused on credit card responsibility, balancing a budget, identity theft, setting up a checking and savings account, and borrowing wisely when taking out student loans. With the average student loan debt at $25,000 for recent college graduates, it is critical for students to understand how to borrow within their means so that they are not in debt. Kilgore and Johnson offered helpful tips to the senior class, and they were each given a budget worksheet to assist them in setting up a budget.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Information for Parents about the ASVAB

Juniors will be taking the ASVAB on November 7th. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program covers math and verbal skills, mechanical knowledge, electronics, and many more areas. It also produces three Career Exploration Scores for Verbal, Math and Science and Technical Skills.

There is no cost to take the ASVAB. Once students take the ASVAB, they will use their results to explore the ASVAB Career Exploration Program which includes an interest inventory, and a guide including information on over 400+ careers.

Research shows that students who take the ASVAB experience more confidence in making their career decision and take more thought in their career options than students who do not take the ASVAB.

Students who take the ASVAB are not under any obligation to join the Military. Most students take the ASVAB for career exploration. If your child is interested in joining the Military, their ASVAB scores can be used for enlistment.

Monday, October 28, 2013


All 10th grade students will take the PLAN test on Thursday, November 7th during 1st and 2nd period. The PLAN test is a practice ACT test specifically for sophomore students. The PLAN is comprised of four parts: English; Reading; Math; and Science. There is no guessing penalty on this test, and students are encouraged to answer all questions. Mrs. Cardell and Ms. McCrimmon will interpret PLAN results with students during IGP meetings. 

To view sample test questions, click here.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Winthrop University

Thanks to funding from The Upstate Regional Center, thirty-three Landrum High School students visited Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC on Friday, October 18th. Winthrop is a four year public university offering a variety of majors including education, nutrition, mass communication, biology, and many other options. The Office of Financial Aid offers merit based scholarships. For information about these scholarships, click here.  For admission information, click here.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Air Force

Technical Sergeant Adam Raffety spoke to classes about The United States Air Force. For more information about the Air Force, visit www.airforce.com

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Converse College

Thirty-six female Landrum High School students went on a field trip to Converse College today. The day consisted of a variety of activities. Students were able to participate in a drama class taught by a drama professor. They met with current Converse students (some of whom were LHS graduates) for a question and answer session. They toured the campus and met with Converse staff, and then ate lunch in the dining hall. We thank Converse for setting up this fantastic day for our students.

Converse College is a private liberal arts all women's college located in Spartanburg, SC. They offer a variety of majors including: education; interior design; music; art; and many more. Their tuition is competitive with public universities. For more information about Converse College, click here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Volunteers Needed

Landrum High School Guidance, in partnership with SC Telco Federal Credit Union, will host the 3rd annual Reality Fair on November 6th from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The Reality Fair is a fun-filled, educational experience geared at giving students a taste of the real world. Students are assigned a job/salary and are asked to choose housing, food, and other necessities within their budget.

We are seeking volunteers to help with this event - either AM or PM shifts, or all day. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ms. McCrimmon in the guidance office.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

North Greenville University

North Greenville University Admissions Director, Andy Ray, met with students to discuss North Greenville admissions information. North Greenville University is a private, christian college located in Greenville, SC. Some majors include: education, religious studies, and business. For more information, click here.

Dan McBride

Dan McBride, Senior Scientist at Milliken and Company, presented to Mrs. Givins' science classes. We are pleased to have Mr. McBride at our school and thank him for his support of our school and our students.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


According to a representative at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, students who participated in internships while in college earned $7500 more dollars a year than those who did not. With the job market scarce and highly competitive, it behooves students to gain job experience by participating in internships. The earlier they start the better.

Landrum High School students should utilize Job Shadow Day and their senior project as a time to gain insight into a career in which they have an interest. It gives the student the opportunity to network and see if the job is a field in which he/she wants to pursue.

Students should meet with the guidance department to discuss job shadowing opportunities.
(Landrum High School senior job shadowing at Art and Light Gallery in Greenville, SC.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Military Academy Day

Hosted by US Senator Lindsay Graham, there will be a Military Day on Saturday, September 28th. Students are invited to learn more about US service academies and the nomination process. There is no cost to attend. The program includes presentations from the following:

US Air Force Academy
US Coast Guard Academy
US Merchant Marine Academy
US Military Academy at West Point
US Naval Academy

After the presentations, students have the opportunity to visit information tables and meet with representatives.

Register by September 20th at militaryacademyday2013@lgraham.senate.gov

The event will be held at the National Advocacy Center 1620 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. The program begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Are you applying to the Citadel? If so, be sure to apply before October 1st. Their scholarship deadline is October 1st.

Applying to USC in Columbia? Their Early Answer Deadline is October 15th.
Their Capstone Scholars and Top Scholars application is November 15th.
Their regular decision deadline is December 1st.

Applying to Clemson University? Their deadline is December 1st.

Applying to The College of Charleston? Their Early Notification Deadline is November 1st. Their merit scholarship deadline is December 1st. Their regular notification deadline is February 1st.

See your Guidance Counselor for more information.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Are you an Introvert?

Here's a great article about introverts. Read and see if this sounds like you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

College Admissions

These terms are helpful to understand when going through the college application process.

Rolling Admissions: A college will notify the student of their acceptance on a rolling basis (typically 3-4 weeks after they have applied). It is smart to apply early to these colleges, because applications are only accepted until the quota has been met.

Early Action: Students who apply early may receive an offer of admission by mid-December. There usually is no binding commitment in early action.

Early Decision: Colleges will offer a student an offer of acceptance or denial during the first semester of their senior year. If accepted, the student must agree to enroll at that college and withdraw all other applications.

Students should read the fine print before deciding on early action or early decision.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to working with you again this year, and wish for you to have a happy and successful school year. Please read the information below about schedule changes and upcoming events.

If a student is seeking a schedule change, please keep in mind that a schedule change request form (you can pick up in the Guidance office) needs to be completed. Please note, the form requires both a student signature and a parent's signature. Once we receive the form, we will determine if a schedule change can be made and will follow-up with the student.  Schedule changes cannot be made after the 5th day of school.

We are in the process of scheduling senior IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) meetings. Please know that seniors will soon be mailed a letter indicating the date/time of the meeting. At this meeting, we will discuss the student's graduation plan, check credits and graduation requirements, and discuss post-secondary options.

There will be an Senior meeting for parents and students on September 10th at 7 p.m. We encourage students and their parent(s) to attend this meeting.

Just a reminder, if a student's last name begins with A-J, his/her counselor is Mrs. Cardell. If his/her last name begins with K-Z, his/her counselor is Ms. McCrimmon.

Thank you!
The Guidance Office

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Military Careers 101

Are you interested in learning more about the military? Check out this web site:


See your guidance counselor for more information about military careers.

Top 5 Apps for College Graduates

Here are the latest Apps popular with college graduates.


High school students with smart phones may find some of these apps just as useful and beneficial as recent college grads.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Majors with the Best Return on Investment

Check out this article from bankrate.com about majors with the best return on investment.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Army ROTC Scholarships

If you're a junior and are interested in applying for a ROTC scholarship through the US Army, then you should begin the application process as soon as possible. Be sure to make your counselor aware once you've applied, and give ample notice for necessary documents such as official transcripts and recommendation letters.

Here is a link to begin the application process: http://www.goarmy.com/rotc/scholarships.html

To see which college's in South Carolina have an Army ROTC program and what amount in scholarships they offer, visit this link: http://www.goarmy.com/rotc/find-schools.SC-.results.html

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The National Park Service

When you hear of jobs in the National Park Service, you automatically think of Park Ranger. That's just one of the many careers you can have working for the National Park Service.  These include: biological scientists, physical scientists, design and construction specialists, cultural resources specialists, museum staff, writers and public information specialists, photographers, paralegals, and concession specialists.  Many of these jobs require advanced degrees and job openings are limited. For more specific information about careers in the National Park Service visit www.nps.gov/personnel/other.htm

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

8 Top Jobs

In a recent Yahoo article, the Bureau of Labor Statistics identified the following eight careers as being on the upward trajectory through 2020. To see the list, click on the link below. As you can see from the article, the education required for these careers varies. Healthcare is still a popular choice due to healthcare reform, an increasing elderly population, and new advances in medical technology. 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Spartanburg Community College

Twenty-eight 9th grade students toured Spartanburg Community College today. Students were shown a variety of programs including: nursing; surgical tool technology; mechatronics; computer technology; business; and machine tool technology. Spartanburg Community College is a two-year college offering Associate in Science and Associate in Arts degrees. Students who graduate from high school with a 3.0 GPA can qualify for the LIFE Scholarship. The LIFE scholarship will pay full tuition at any two-year college in the state of South Carolina. For more information about Spartanburg Community College, visit www.sccsc.edu

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's Your Personality?

Still undecided about your major? Take this quick personality quiz to help you learn more about yourself and what career may be a good fit for you.